
History of port

Impression von oben am Rheinufer von der Rheinkaistraße bei Nachtbeleuchtung.

The Mannheim port ( Wikipedia ) has a fascinating history that can be traced back to 1247. Today it comprises four port areas with a total of 14 harbour basins and 3 river ports. The Mannheim port is thus the fourth largest inland port and one of the most important in Europe.


The Mannheim harbour through the ages

First documented mention of water customs in the Neckar estuary

Rhine customs stations upstream from the fishing village Mannheim

Foundation of the city of Mannheim, expansion into a trading centre and entrepot

First steam ship – paddle steamer Friedrich Wilhelm – arrives in Mannheim.

Opening of the free port Mannheim

Rhine shipping file (Mainz File)

Opening of the “New Mannheimer Port” , consisting of a domestic and foreign port

Connection of the port to the railway

Revised Rhine Shipping File (Mannheim File)

Construction of Mühlau docks

Construction of the Rhine quay

Construction of the Rheinau docks, private company; nationalized in 1903

Construction of the municipal industrial docks

Construction of the Thyssen docks, private company; 1958 taken over by the state (Rheinau docks, dock 24)

Construction of the oil docks (Friesenheim dock)

Container terminal in the commercial docks

RoRo terminal in the Rheinau docks

New harbour sluice between the Neckar and industrial docks opens for shipping

New construction of roads in the trading port

Expansion of the container terminal

New construction of the extended Dortmunder Straße in the Rheinauhafen and its own connection to the harbour

Founding of Staatliche Rhein-Neckar-Hafengesellschaft Mannheim mbH

Extensive environmental protection and safety measures at warehouses in the Handelshafen and Rheinauhafen

Combined traffic terminal in the commercial docks

Eight power stations in the Handelshafen

Safe berth for two-cone ships in the Old Rhine docks-Oil docks (preventative environmental protection)

2. Expansion of the container terminal to now 32,500 m² and third container crane (50 t)

Expansion of the container terminal to 44,000 m²

Commissioning of the remote-controlled Mannheim harbour sluice; the Rhine-Neckar port of Mannheim is voted inland port of the year 1998

10th anniversary of Staatliche Rhein-Neckar-Hafengesellschaft Mannheim mbH



Cooperation agreement with the port operations Ludwigshafen / Rhein GmbH

2. Second access road to the port Mannheim-Rheinau

Expansion of the RoRo facility

Construction of a new container terminal (18,700 m²); photovoltaics system built on 5,000 m² roof surface

Photovoltaics systems on total 7,000 m² roof surface

Photovoltaics on total 2,000 m²

Solar tracking systems with a total area of 600 m²

Energy terminals for 5 passenger vessels at the Haus Oberrhein


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