verwaltet von der
Pursuant to Section 3 (1) of the Order of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure on ports, loading and unloading areas – Port Order (HafenVO) – of 10.01.1983, the Port Authority Mannheim issues the following:
Heaving to (including at short notice) and berthing with bow downstream from Rhine marker 424km-760m to 425km-060m, right bank, is prohibited. Berthing, loading or unloading inside the above-named points requires authorisation from the Port Authority Mannheim.
From Rhine marker 425km-060m to 425km-360m, right bank, temporary heaving to and berthing is permitted. All berthing between the above-named points is prohibited.
The ordinance is valid until revoked.
Mannheim, 21.05.2015
Staatliches Hafenamt Mannheim
in the state leasing company
– Port Authority –
Pursuant to Section 3 (1) of the Order of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure on ports, loading and unloading areas – Port Order (HafenVO) – of 10.01.1983, the Port Authority Mannheim issues the following:
Passenger vessels with passengers on board must berth at the designated points on the Rhine (marker 424km-700m to 425km-060m). Berthing without prior notification is prohibited. The terms of use of the State Rhein-Neckar-Hafengesellschaft Mannheim mbH (HGM) for the use of berths by passenger vessels of 29.05.2013 are applicable.
Berthing at other points is not allowed.
The ordinance is valid until revoked.
Mannheim, 02.11.2017
Staatliches Hafenamt Mannheim
in the state leasing company
– Port Authority –
Download our terms of use here as a PDF-Document (german):
Until further notice, the State Port Authority Mannheim grants the general right to navigation
must handle goods and carry signs according to Section 3.14, No. 1–3 of the Police Regulations for the Navigation of the Rhine or Inland Waterways Regulations.The provisions of the order of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure on ports, loading and unloading points – Port Order (HafenVO) – the Police Regulations for the Navigation ofthe Rhine (RheinSchPV) and Inland Waterways Regulations (BinSchStrO) as well as the Hazardous Goods Order for Road, Rail and Inland Waterway Transport (GGVSEB) in the current version, must be observed without restriction
This Port Police Ordinance takes the place of the Port Police Ordinance of 07.02.2006 for the Mannheim port area.
Mannheim, 09.12.2019
Staatliches Hafenamt Mannheim
in the state leasing company
-Port Authority-
Skippers and pilots must ensure that vehicles, formations, push barges and floating platforms are safely moored only to the specifically provided facilities or to the vessels that are moored to those facilities. The mooring must be monitored and adjusted for the fluctuations in water level and the immersion and emersion during loading and/or unloading. Stopping vehicles, formations, push barges and floating platforms on mooring devices or vehicles moored to them is prohibited.
Pursuant to Section 3 (1) of the Order of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure on ports, loading and unloading areas – Port Order (HafenVO) – of 10.01.1983, the Port Authority Mannheim issues the following:
Entry on watercraft and floating facilities by unauthorized persons is prohibited.
The ordinance is valid until revoked.
Violations of this ordinance constitute an administrative offence and may be punished with a fine (Section 71 (1) No. 2 HafenVO).
Mannheim, 29.06.2020
Staatliches Hafenamt Mannheim
in the state leasing company
-Port Authority-