
Cover November 2020

Cover November 2020

Cover November 2020

Waterside cargo handling fell slightly in November In November 2020, a total of 632,750 tonnes of goods were transshipped on the waterside in the Mannheim […]

Cruise ships dock again

Cruise ships dock again

Port of Mannheim: cruise ships dock again The second passenger ship of this month docked in the Mannheim commercial port yesterday. The COVID-19 pandemic had […]

Goliathplatz coaches

Goliathplatz coaches

Port police order for coaches stopping at Goliathplatz to pick up or bring back the passengers of the passenger ships On the basis of § […]

Liegeverbot Mühlauhafen

Liegeverbot Mühlauhafen

Port police order for the Mannheim port area Due to construction measures in Mühlauhafen from port km 0.250 to port km 0.450, east bank, shipping […]

Launching of pleasure boats, ramp of the old Rhine ferry

Launching of pleasure boats, ramp of the old Rhine ferry

Port police notice for the Mannheim port area Boats that are used for sport and pleasure shipping require a permit from the port authority to […]

Liegeverbot Mühlauhafen

Liegeverbot Mühlauhafen

Port police order for the Mannheim port area Due to construction work in Mühlauhafen there is a ban on berthing for shipping in the construction […]

Free tickets for Technoseum

Free tickets for Technoseum

Wolf-Dieter Burak from the Technoseum Mannheim brought 25 free tickets to the people who have been stuck with their ships in the Mannheim harbor for […]

Harbor Festival 2010

Harbor Festival 2010

In and around the Mannheim harbor can be celebrated again. After the Mannheim Harbor Festival last took place in 2007 for the 400th anniversary of […]

Greening projects in the commercial port

Greening projects in the commercial port

With the planting of the green area around the parking lot of the Upper Rhine house and the traffic islands in the commercial port, the […]

Inauguration of the photovoltaic system

Inauguration of the photovoltaic system

State Secretary for Finance Gundolf Fleischer: “With the new photovoltaic system, the port is contributing to the state government’s goal of increasing the proportion of […]

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