
Cover April 2021

Waterside cargo handling increases in April

In April 2021, a total of 553,704 tonnes of goods were transshipped on the waterside in the Mannheim ports. This corresponds to an increase of 11.86 percent compared to the same month last year with a total of 494,995 tons.

The ores and metal waste goods class saw the highest increase. Throughput in this class of goods rose from 22,638 tons to 37,891 tons (+ 67.38 percent). The second strongest increase was recorded in the iron, steel and non-ferrous metals sector with an increase of 7,220 tons (+ 50.38 percent). The goods classes agricultural, forestry and other products (+ 36.50 percent), vehicles, machines, other semi-finished and finished goods, special transport goods (+ 35.21 percent), and solid mineral fuels (+ 30.44 percent) also have achieved an increase. The turnover in the goods classes crude oil, mineral oil, mineral products, gases (-7.99 percent), and other food and feed (-7.92 percent) declined.

The tonnage of the waterside container traffic increased from 69,453 tons by 3,434 tons to 72,887 tons (+ 4.94 percent) compared to the same month last year. In relation to the number of containers (20-foot containers), throughput grew by 35.91 percent, from 5,516 TEU in April 2020 to 7,497 TEU in April 2021.

The average water level at Mannheim level in April was 2.21 meters and thus 0.21 meters above the average level in April of the previous year of 2.00 meters. The cargo was handled by a total of 585 ships. This is 42 ships more than in the same month last year.

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